Word On Health (Podcast)
'Word on Health' (www.wordonhealth.com) is the longest running weekly health report on independent local radio in the UK. Now in its 24th year 'on-air', it is written, and presented by Paul Pennington and co-produced by Sebastien Agasse, reaching in excess of 1.5 million listeners. This podcast contains a cross section of our recent radio features. Our grateful thanks to all our contributors, and, to you for listening.
Word On Health (Podcast)
Word On Health (Podcast)
In this edition, Paul Pennington talks to Dr Tim Bond about the health benefits of tea. Julie Thompson from Guts UK discusses gallstones and in the final interview of this episode Professor Robert Horne from UCL explains the thinking and mechanics of a new study designed to help improve the quality of care and outcomes for black women living with breast cancer.